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Ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Emanuele per una giornata in giro per Napoli. Non si può non rimanere colpiti dalla sua gentilezza, dalla sua conoscenza della storia della sua regione e dalla sua intelligenza. Augurando a tutti di conoscerlo, faccio solo una raccomandazione: se fa caldo, permettetegli la manica corta.
Hello, i would like to say thank you to 'Emanuele' yesterday morning, he picked me and my friend up for the airport from Positano on time and was very pleasant and funny and we had a great time :):)

I asked our driver who was taking us from Naples to Positano to take us on a NON TOURIST type day trip around the area.....what happened 2 days later, we will never forget!! We were taken to a small farm where we picked fruit off the trees, peaches,apricots,figs etc we were shown, vines,olive trees, eggplant etc. Next we were taken to a small cheese factory and shown the process of making mozzarella and ricota cheese, with tasting, it was incredible.We then went for lunch to a restaurant set up in a 200 year old castle with its own wine making facilities, the food was all local and the best meal ever. Emanuel our driver and guide, then took us to many different lookout points and attractions that tourist don't often see. He was informative,friendly and this day was the highlight of out 3 week holiday which included London, Paris, Venice and Rome.....A MUST DO!!!